Saturday, January 4, 2014


I saw Dr shehata and now am following his treatment.

  • Aspirin 75mg once a day by mouth(6-9pm), and continue without stopping whilst trying
  • Pregnancy multivitamins such as Pregnacare or Sanatogen or any other brand plus omega 3

  • Vitamin D3 2000 IU (equivalent to 50 mcg of D3) once a day
  • Start taking Prednisolone (steroids) 25mg by mouth daily with food in the morning at the time of ovulation and continue for a minimum of 10 days. Then do a sensitive pregnancy test such as First Response. If pregnancy test is negative, stop the Prednisolone and start again at time of ovulation of next cycle.

  •  I have problem detecting my ovulation day. I have used ovulation kit before but  it  failed to detect it :(  for the last month started taking Prednisolone on day 12 on my cycle (I have 30 days cycle length), I missed my period for a week, I thought  I am pregnant ( i even felt so) but  all my pregnancy testes that I tried came out negative, I talked with Dr Shehata office and they told me  it is probably Prednisolone that has delayed my period,  and asked me to stop it immediately. I did so after few days my period started. This month I am going to take them later in my cycle probably day 17. If I can not get pregnant I have to see him again before my next try.